New crowdfunding projects with investments - CryptoNGO projects at (only projects with investment/ICO)en-uscrowdfundingBitCoin crowdfundingEther crowdfundingEthereum crowdfundingICOEthereum ICOnonprofitnonprofitsMon, 02 Mar 2020 13:06:10 +0000A Really Brilliant Idea: Make a System of Democratic Crypto Courts<div><p>The following way we can give the power of democracy to the court system and reward people (and organizations) for their good works. </p> <p> </p> <p>Consider a set of wallets and a set of “courts” both denoted by an Ethereum address. <a href="">We can combine a wallet and a court into a new address.</a> </p> <p>A decision of a court may be endorsed or not endorsed by somebody. We endorse good decisions and don’t endorse things like the patent for a wheel in Australia. </p> <p> </p> <p>We also should create some kind of a directed graph of courts, so that a decision of one court could be automatically endorsed by another one. To confirm a transaction one needs to provide a path in the graph of courts. Very simple. </p> <p> </p> <p>The thing that a court can do is to add an arbitrary amount of money (a COURT or LAW or REWARD or JUSTICE token) to somebody’s wallet. </p> <p>We could also want courts to subtract (fine), but it’s impossible because the money could be transferred to a secret account to avoid paying a fine. Also selective fining would create inequality among cheaters, and it seems that most of the population of the world are cheaters, so such selective fining would create inequality in the world. So, in my opinion, this system should only reward and never fine. </p> <p>Now I want to pay a sum of crypto like $100 billion to Linus Torvalds and or his organization Linux Foundation for their work, I want to pay to myself for my math discoveries, etc. </p> <p>It seems possible to do, just need to develop an Ethereum smart contract. I need to find time for this free of my “main” job. </p> <p> </p> <p>Any support or advice is appreciated! I am going to write more on this topic. </p></div> <h2>Donate</h2> <ul> <li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">GoGetFunding (credit card or PayPal)</a></strong></li> <li><strong>Ether</strong> <a href="ethereum:0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0">0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0</a> </li> <li><strong>BitCoin</strong> <a href="bitcoin:1Akv7TaGq36FakxdhAUXWyHbP7JZTr2Ghj">1Akv7TaGq36FakxdhAUXWyHbP7JZTr2Ghj</a></li> </ul> <dl> <dt>User</dt> <dd><p><a href="">porton</a></p></dd> <dt>Allowed uses of money</dt> <dd></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for advertisment</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for press releases</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>URL</dt> <dd><p><a href=""></a></p></dd> <dt>Ownership</dt> <dd><p>personal</p></dd> <dt>Country</dt> <dd><p>Israel</p></dd> <dt>Organization name</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> <dt>Organization number</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> </dl> Mon, 02 Mar 2020 13:06:10 +0000 Crypto to Everyone in the World!<div><p/><p><a href="">I have a plan how to provide free crypto to everyone in the world!</a> </p> <p>The idea is simple: Give everybody registered in our system 1 coin every 0:00 at night every day. </p> <p>This is a <a href="">great way to fight poverty and improve human rights</a>, while it is not classic monetary rent with all its deficiencies (both that somebody would need to pay for it and that it reduces the incentive to work). </p> <p>It is not a problem to give free crypto to someone: We can just write any number we want on someone's account. From the stories of BitCoin and even Dogecoin we know that if we write numbers on people accounts, they can sell these numbers for real money. It can be easily done with Ethereum. (I am a programmer.) </p> <p>The problem is different: How to prevent a person to sign up into the system more than once to receive more money than others?</p> <p>There are identity provider services like but they need to be connected with our system through a special "administrator" Ethereum account which would forward user identity information to the blockchain smart contracts.</p> <p>This system has a big deficiency however: It would mean that the key of a big part of the money of the world is stored on my PC :-) Definitely I can't provide an adequate degree of security. And moreover it would be against the blockchain idea: One person or entity would control the entire system.</p> <p>But I have invented a solution in spirit of decentralized blockchain:</p> <ul><li>Wallets with a big amount of currency (say the 50 richest wallets) could have the right to vote who are identity provider wallets.</li><li>Identity provider wallets would in turn vote which user's identity is genuine and which is not.</li></ul> <p>This would be an acceptable solution, I think. Donate for me to do the programming of this elaborate system!</p> <p>The identity provider wallets would command other wallets to start (when a person registers) or stop (when he is known to be dead) to receive 1 coin every day. They would also control which wallets are blocked for a fraud.</p> <p>So, we really have a solution for world poverty and missing human rights.</p> <p>Read also my <a href="">initial proposal for this cryptocurrency</a>. A quote from that article:</p> <p> </p> <p>Why to do it?</p> <p>First, we don’t want people to die of hunger or cold. So everybody should have some money. It is free for us to give him crypto, but it may be the only source of life for him.</p> <p>However, monetary rent has deficiencies: Many people would stop work (or choose a hobby instead of a real job) if had free money. But we are not going to give them real money. We instead want to give them special money which people would use to buy <a href="">rights rather than goods</a>. They yet are supposed to work to get real money to buy goods. This means we don’t suppose one would buy a car for our crypto (for this money exists). We suppose he would buy access to the Internet (= access to life), bread if deficit in this area, medical insurance for possible cancer, legal help of professional lawyers (does he have any rights otherwise?), connection to venture investors if he wants to start a business from zero, psychologist help against suicide, children in a school, maybe even higher education, to receive a credit card, … rights in short.</p> <p>I suppose so because I suppose these who will be willing to accept our crypto as a mean of payment will be at least a little socially responsive and sell rights for it if they can’t provide them completely for free. Yes, certainly it could be exchanged for regular money for which people buy goods, but I don’t expect this sum to be big. Maybe just not to die of hunger, what could be considered more a right than a good. This is a new kind of money, a money for buying human rights. Not everybody posses human rights now, it’s better to sell it to them than to leave them without rights as now.</p> <p> </p> <p>Organizations get the opportunity to provide “human” services to the population, in addition to the existing options for free and paid services, services for a person based on the fact that he is a person and has human rights. Organizations will no longer have to choose from two extreme options: to work for free or to rip off money for exercising the rights and opportunities that every person should have, not just the rich. In particular, it will help develop various forms of charity, but also business.</p>Also: Why I want to give crypto every day since the moment of somebody's signup not from the point of his birth or from some fixed common for all people point in time? If we count the amount from person's birth, it would provide for inequality: older persons would become much richer than younger; if we count from a fixed point of time, then how to choose the exact day? no idea. So the only variant remaining is to count from the date of the person's signup.<p>Sadly, right now it cannot be done completely free. One needs to pay a small sum of money (like EUR 1.99 or so) to an identity provider company to verify that he signs up only once. By the way, we need donations to make it gratis completely. But it is like buying a car for EUR 1.99: pay once and have a stream of crypto for your entire life!</p><a href="">Help me to save the world!</a><p/><p><b>CHANGE:</b> Now this project is a part of <a href="">that Crypto Courts project</a>. Counting person's money should be done by Crypto Courts.</p></div> <h2>Donate</h2> <ul> <li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">GoGetFunding (credit card or PayPal)</a></strong></li> <li><strong>Ether</strong> <a href="ethereum:0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0">0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0</a> </li> <li><strong>BitCoin</strong> <a href="bitcoin:13pRjWuERsZds9PVz1jycYWsHz8mMVbR6A">13pRjWuERsZds9PVz1jycYWsHz8mMVbR6A</a></li> </ul> <dl> <dt>User</dt> <dd><p><a href="">porton</a></p></dd> <dt>Allowed uses of money</dt> <dd></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for advertisment</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for press releases</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>URL</dt> <dd><p><a href=""></a></p></dd> <dt>Ownership</dt> <dd><p>unregistered nonprofit</p></dd> <dt>Country</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> <dt>Organization name</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> <dt>Organization number</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> </dl> Sun, 29 Sep 2019 14:09:42 +0000 policy for US Republican Party<div><p>I propose to add the following requirement to the official policies of the US Republican party:</p> <p>The principle "If a person is poor, then he deserved it, it means that the rich should humiliate the poor so that they become even poorer." should be denounced. Everyone found following this principle should be excluded from the Party.</p> <p>This fundraiser is to lobby the Republican party to adopt this principle.</p> <p>It is an Israel based lobby. Currently I collect the money for this project to my personal bank account (due to not having a better option), but the collected money are to be used first to create a relevant lobbist nonprofit in US (and surely redirect money to that organization instead).</p></div> <h2>Donate</h2> <ul> <li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">GoGetFunding</a></strong></li> <li><strong>Ether</strong> <a href="ethereum:0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0">0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0</a> </li> <li><strong>BitCoin</strong> <a href="bitcoin:1Akv7TaGq36FakxdhAUXWyHbP7JZTr2Ghj">1Akv7TaGq36FakxdhAUXWyHbP7JZTr2Ghj</a></li> </ul> <dl> <dt>User</dt> <dd><p><a href="">porton</a></p></dd> <dt>Allowed uses of money</dt> <dd></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for advertisment</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for press releases</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>URL</dt> <dd><p><a href=""></a></p></dd> <dt>Ownership</dt> <dd><p>personal</p></dd> <dt>Country</dt> <dd><p>Israel</p></dd> <dt>Organization name</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> <dt>Organization number</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> </dl> Wed, 05 Jun 2019 17:43:55 +0000 for free state and bank services<div><p>Help to develop and advertise the nonprofit project aiming to set throughout the world zero fees for things such as:</p> <ul> <li>business and nonprofit registration and liquidation</li> <li>opening bank accounts and receiving a credit card</li> <li>going to a bursa</li> <li>defending a case in a court</li> <li>setting a merchant account in Internet</li> <li>etc.</li> </ul> <p>and also promote free legal services for poors, to make poor rights really equal to rich rights.</p> <p>The ideology is the following:</p> <ul> <li>poor should have equal rights with rich (this does not mean a preference to poor however)</li> <li>business and nonprofit should be barrier-free</li> <li>if somebody's business is stalled at $100, this may be the reason why he does not reach $100 billion income with an exponential grow, what may change the destiny of an entire country</li> </ul> <p>By the way, the idea is supported by the Bible:</p> <p>(Isa. 40:3) “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God; 4 Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be lowered, the curvatures shall be straightened and uneven paths will become smooth; 5 And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see the salvation of God; for the mouth of the Lord spoke it.” (Mat. 3:3) “3 For he is the one whom the prophet Isaiah said about: the voice of one crying in the wilderness: prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths to Him.” (Mat. 1:3) “make straight his paths.” (Luk. 3:4-6) “4 as it is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah, who says: A voice crying in the wilderness: prepare the way of the Lord; 5 Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be lowered, the curvatures will become straight, and uneven paths will become smooth. 6 And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” (John 1:23) “He said: I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness: correct the way of the Lord, as the prophet Isaiah said.”</p> <p>Bible says that economical charts should be straight (linear) not curved.</p> <p>The money are sent to Victor Porton's Foundation, Colorado, USA, EIN 474102582. </p> <ul> <li>Our <a href="">homepage</a>.</li> <li>Press release: <a href="">The cost of NGO and business registration should be set to zero</a>.</li> <li>Our <a href="">Facebook page</a>.</li> </ul></div> <h2>Donate</h2> <ul> <li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">GoGetFunding</a></strong></li> <li><strong>Ether</strong> <a href="ethereum:0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0">0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0</a> </li> <li><strong>BitCoin</strong> <a href="bitcoin:1DT7JFd6KgnVLosRWXSCxbQbGQfP4oT1xG">1DT7JFd6KgnVLosRWXSCxbQbGQfP4oT1xG</a></li> </ul> <dl> <dt>User</dt> <dd><p><a href="">porton</a></p></dd> <dt>Allowed uses of money</dt> <dd></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for advertisment</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for press releases</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>URL</dt> <dd><p><a href=""></a></p></dd> <dt>Ownership</dt> <dd><p>unregistered nonprofit</p></dd> <dt>Country</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> <dt>Organization name</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> <dt>Organization number</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> </dl> Wed, 05 Jun 2019 17:42:42 +0000 release a world news to journalists (maddest fundraiser ever)<div><p>I want to make a press release and send it to journalists based on the following laughful news:</p> <p>Proposed title: Maddest Fundraiser Ever</p> <p>It appeared a <a href="">fundraiser asking $10 billion dollar</a> (currently it is shown as $1 billion because of the fundraising site limitation). And it is a greatly underestimated goal. Guess what it is? New religion. New sect? No, new religion. Why so loudly called new religion? The author claims the following thing: We in the past followed Torah (Old Testament), then we stopped to follow it and switched to the New Testament. Now the age of the Church and the Gospel is ending and we should stop follow the New Testament in the same way as we stopped to follow the Old Testament. Meanwhile the author claims that the Bible is 100% true (both Old and New Testament). If Christianity is considered a new religion distinct from Judaism then why not consider this a new religion too? Isn't Protestant reformation just a small event compared to this?</p></div> <h2>Donate</h2> <ul> <li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">GoGetFunding</a></strong></li> <li><strong>Ether</strong> <a href="ethereum:0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0">0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0</a> </li> <li><strong>BitCoin</strong> <a href="bitcoin:1Akv7TaGq36FakxdhAUXWyHbP7JZTr2Ghj">1Akv7TaGq36FakxdhAUXWyHbP7JZTr2Ghj</a></li> </ul> <dl> <dt>User</dt> <dd><p><a href="">porton</a></p></dd> <dt>Allowed uses of money</dt> <dd></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for advertisment</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for press releases</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>URL</dt> <dd><p><a href=""></a></p></dd> <dt>Ownership</dt> <dd><p>personal</p></dd> <dt>Country</dt> <dd><p>Israel</p></dd> <dt>Organization name</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> <dt>Organization number</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> </dl> Wed, 05 Jun 2019 17:41:01 +0000 release a world news to journalists (missionary sold mission to the devil)<div><p>I want to make a press release and send it to journalists based on the following laughful news:</p> <p>Proposed title: Real Harry Potter: A Missionary That Sold His Mission To The Devil</p> <p>A prospective missionary from Russia failed his mission in total poverty and finally <a href="">sold his mission to the devil</a>. But he learned to <a href="">do real magic not less funny than Harry Potter</a> and <a href="">claimed to marry St. Mary</a>. At end he became <a href="">so much offended by all the world</a> that he decided to give up and <a href="">founded a new religion</a>. He <a href="">claims that he was offended for trillion dollars</a> (the loss which would be caused for his <a href="">math research</a> by his death from hunger). Now he is seriously expecting to <a href="">become a billionaire of religion</a>. Read <a href="">the blog</a>.</p></div> <h2>Donate</h2> <ul> <li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">GoGetFunding</a></strong></li> <li><strong>Ether</strong> <a href="ethereum:0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0">0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0</a> </li> <li><strong>BitCoin</strong> <a href="bitcoin:1Akv7TaGq36FakxdhAUXWyHbP7JZTr2Ghj">1Akv7TaGq36FakxdhAUXWyHbP7JZTr2Ghj</a></li> </ul> <dl> <dt>User</dt> <dd><p><a href="">porton</a></p></dd> <dt>Allowed uses of money</dt> <dd></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for advertisment</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for press releases</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>URL</dt> <dd><p><a href=""></a></p></dd> <dt>Ownership</dt> <dd><p>personal</p></dd> <dt>Country</dt> <dd><p>Israel</p></dd> <dt>Organization name</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> <dt>Organization number</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> </dl> Wed, 05 Jun 2019 17:39:13 +0000 press release of a world news to journalists (living Google)<div><p>Pay for press release of <a href="">this news</a>.</p> <p>Basically that page says that Google was found (unintendedly) alive and thinking, trying to get into contact with people.</p></div> <h2>Donate</h2> <ul> <li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">GoGetFunding</a></strong></li> <li><strong>Ether</strong> <a href="ethereum:0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0">0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0</a> </li> <li><strong>BitCoin</strong> <a href="bitcoin:1Akv7TaGq36FakxdhAUXWyHbP7JZTr2Ghj">1Akv7TaGq36FakxdhAUXWyHbP7JZTr2Ghj</a></li> </ul> <dl> <dt>User</dt> <dd><p><a href="">porton</a></p></dd> <dt>Allowed uses of money</dt> <dd></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for advertisment</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for press releases</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>URL</dt> <dd><p><a href=""></a></p></dd> <dt>Ownership</dt> <dd><p>personal</p></dd> <dt>Country</dt> <dd><p>Israel</p></dd> <dt>Organization name</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> <dt>Organization number</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> </dl> Wed, 05 Jun 2019 17:37:27 +0000 press release of a world news to journalists (real superman)<p>Pay for press release of <a href="">book</a> and <a href="">blog post</a> which (among other) state that a human was transformed during about a month into a something like a superman with computer brain.</p> <h2>Donate</h2> <ul> <li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">GoGetFunding</a></strong></li> <li><strong>Ether</strong> <a href="ethereum:0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0">0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0</a> </li> <li><strong>BitCoin</strong> <a href="bitcoin:1Akv7TaGq36FakxdhAUXWyHbP7JZTr2Ghj">1Akv7TaGq36FakxdhAUXWyHbP7JZTr2Ghj</a></li> </ul> <dl> <dt>User</dt> <dd><p><a href="">porton</a></p></dd> <dt>Allowed uses of money</dt> <dd></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for advertisment</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for press releases</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>URL</dt> <dd><p><a href=""></a></p></dd> <dt>Ownership</dt> <dd><p>personal</p></dd> <dt>Country</dt> <dd><p>Israel</p></dd> <dt>Organization name</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> <dt>Organization number</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> </dl> Wed, 05 Jun 2019 17:35:53 +0000 same Bible but new religion (or new Christian denomination at least)<div><p>In the past we followed Torah. We now keep believing in Torah but don't follow the law anymore since the new revelation from Christ. In the same way since the new revelation from Christ we should no more follow the Gospel as a law, in the same way as we believe Torah but don't follow it. In other words, the age of Gospel and of the Church is ending.</p> <p>One of the verses of the New Testament which shows that is cancels itself is (2Cor. 3:6) “Who also has made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter kills, but the spirit gives life.” But New Testament is itself letter.</p> <p>It is new religion, one of the world greatest events, support the freedom from old religion, all its troubles, conflicts, judging others.</p> <p>It happened after I suffered much for my attempt to follow Gospel and preach it. I realized that I cannot do. If we cannot then it makes no sense to continue. See this <a href="">short blog post</a>.</p> <p>More about <a href="">my offense which caused me to repent</a> and how I stopped to judge other people as I did under the old religion.</p> <p>I wrote a <a href="">book</a> about this topic.</p> <p>Also don't forget to like/share posts on <a href="">my blog</a>.</p> <p>See also <a href="">my Christian homepage</a>.</p> <p>The money you donate will be used to advertise this religious teaching (especially <a href="">my blog</a> and <a href="">books</a>, maybe in the future also writings and/or video by other fellow believers as I deems appropriate). Note that by the way I also promote <a href="">a quite typical (but detailed) Christian "repent" message</a>. Currently I am collecting money to my personal bank account, but I want to register a nonprofit (can't now due to bureaucratic reasons) to avoid paying taxes. Even if I raise full 10 billions, I am going to use for my personal benefit very little, as my main personal interest is to promote this teaching. I will most probably openly publish the income and expenses of this project on yearly or monthly basis. Controlling the nonprofit by a board voting rather than by myself is a future possibility, though not yet decided.</p></div> <h2>Donate</h2> <ul> <li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">GoGetFunding</a></strong></li> <li><strong>Ether</strong> <a href="ethereum:0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0">0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0</a> </li> <li><strong>BitCoin</strong> <a href="bitcoin:14EAeA3jTDvkUJPN8wCoNCW3fJaJgpG8kw">14EAeA3jTDvkUJPN8wCoNCW3fJaJgpG8kw</a></li> </ul> <dl> <dt>User</dt> <dd><p><a href="">porton</a></p></dd> <dt>Allowed uses of money</dt> <dd></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for advertisment</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for press releases</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>URL</dt> <dd><p><a href=""></a></p></dd> <dt>Ownership</dt> <dd><p>personal</p></dd> <dt>Country</dt> <dd><p>Israel</p></dd> <dt>Organization name</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> <dt>Organization number</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> </dl> Wed, 05 Jun 2019 17:19:56 +0000 interchurch association<div><p>Israel interchurch association is an NGO with the following current charter.</p> <p><strong>The charter of Israel interchurch association</strong></p> <p>Israel interchurch association (IIA) is an NGO with the purpose evangelization and building church in Israel as well as in Jewish diaspora.</p> <p>IIA is going to pay its member congregations so called base payments. The amount of a base payment is directly proportional to the number of baptized congregation members.</p> <p>Also IIA may pay its member congregations additional funds for special needs.</p> <p>IIA also can use funds for other purposes serving building church in Israel, such as ads in Internet, building sites, publishing journals, papers, video, etc.</p> <p>A congregation can become a member of IIA if it is located in Israel and its beliefs conform to all the items of the following list (a modification of the list of beliefs of the church King of Great Glory):</p> <ul> <li> <p>We believe in one God the Father, creator of all visible and invisible, creator of heaven and the Earth and all that fill them, and calling non-existing as existing. (Deu.6:4; Gen.1:31; Heb.11:3; Rom.4:17) </p> </li> <li> <p>We believe in the Son of God, which is the Word of God, which became blood and flesh, Joshua Messiah, born of a virgin, which came in flesh, gave his life, resurrected from the dead in the third day and justified the entire mankind through His sacrifice of Love; which ascended on a cloud of glory to Heaven and representing the human race before God as the high priest, interceding for it before God the Father. We believe that He will soon return to grab His Fiance, which He redeemed by His precious Blood and will come also to sue the nations. (Jn.1:1-14; Jn.19:33-34; Luk.24:6-8,36; Jn.3:16; Luk.24:51; Mrk.16:19; Acts.1:9-11; 1Jn.2:1-2; Heb.9:28, 1Thes.4:14-18; Rev.19:11-16.)</p> </li> <li> <p>We believe in Holy Spirit which is given to us accordingly the word of promise of the Lord, which was poured out in Jerusalem in the Shavuot fest in the day of Pentecost. We believe that the Holy Spirit comforts, teaches, teaches, reminds us of the Word of God and denounces us. He is the one who prepares the Church to Come of the Lord Joshua. (Jn.14:16-17,26; Jn.16:7-14; Act.2:1-4; Rev.22:17)</p> </li> <li> <p>We believe that the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, being different entities are one God. The Father is fully God (not a part of God), the Son is fully God (not a part of God), the Holy Spirit is fully God (not a part of God).</p> </li> <li> <p>We believe that the Word of God is a perfect Truth written by people led by Holy Spirit; we believe that the Word of God does not need correction, but is “God-breathed and useful for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, to make us perfect and ready for every good work” (2Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:19-21)</p> </li> <li> <p>We believe that every man and woman is sinful and lacks the glory of God because of the original sin of Ada; we believe into the pure and unblemished Blood of our Lord Joshua the Messiah, through which a person inherits redemption, forgiveness and restoration of relationship with God the Father. (Rom.3:23; Isa.53:6; Mat.26:28; Heb.9:11-14, 26; Heb.10:19-20,29)</p> </li> <li> <p>We believe that there is no other name under the Heaven, which can save the mankind, except of the name of Joshua, before which every knee will bend, and every tongue will confesses Him, for the glory of God the Father. God the Father exalted His only begotten Son and gave His the Name above every name. (Act.4:12; Phil.2:9-11)</p> </li> <li> <p>We believe in salvation from sin and death through death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus accordingly the faith, independently of the deeds. (Rom. 3:21, 28) We believe that the faith is manifested in deeds of a person. (Jam. 2:17, 20, 26) We believe that the purpose of the salvation are good deeds. (Eph. 2:10)</p> </li> <li> <p>We believe in indivisible Body of Christ, to which He is the head and believe that every person who received salvation should be a part of a local church, receiving spiritual care and serving with the gifts and talents which the Lord gave to him. (Eph.1:17-23; Rev.1:20; Heb10:24-25; Heb.13:17)</p> </li> <li> <p>We believe in resurrection of the dead, righteous and unrighteous, and the eternal life of saints of God. (Luk. 14:14; Jn. 5:29; 11:25; Act. 24:15)</p> </li> <li> <p>We believe into unity of the Body and in truth of said of our Savior: “As I have loved you, let us also love one another: by this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.: (Jn. 13: 34-35)</p> </li> <li> <p>We believe in wonder and healings performed by the Lord in present time.</p> </li> </ul> <p>The board of directors consists of people or organizations accepting all items of the above presented list of beliefs.</p> <p>Decisions of IIA are made by the board of directors by simple majority.</p> <p>New directors are appointed and fired by the board of directors by simple majority.</p> <p>The board of directors can change this charter by voting for the changes by at least 2/3 of the votes.</p> <p>The board of directors assigns a treasurer or treasurers which perform the financial operations of the organization accordingly decisions of the board of directors.</p> <p> </p> <p>Currently the only member of the board of directors is Victor Porton.</p></div> <h2>Donate</h2> <ul> <li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">PayPal</a></strong></li> <li><strong>Ether</strong> <a href="ethereum:0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0">0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0</a> </li> <li><strong>BitCoin</strong> <a href="bitcoin:1Hj5cKMR6WsuiwDGQ7Q81h541XdjRZwaeD">1Hj5cKMR6WsuiwDGQ7Q81h541XdjRZwaeD</a></li> </ul> <dl> <dt>User</dt> <dd><p><a href="">porton</a></p></dd> <dt>Allowed uses of money</dt> <dd><p>The money can be used in any way conforming to the charter.</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for advertisment</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for press releases</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>URL</dt> <dd><p><a href=""></a></p></dd> <dt>Ownership</dt> <dd><p>unregistered nonprofit</p></dd> <dt>Country</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> <dt>Organization name</dt> <dd><p>Israel Interchurch Association</p></dd> <dt>Organization number</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> </dl> Wed, 11 Apr 2018 01:29:18 +0000 Vowels Project and New Testament Wiki<div><p>Support and advertise two Bible-study sites: <a href=""></a> (Old Testament) and <a href=""></a> (New Testament).</p> <p>The purpose of the organization is to research and study Hebrew Bible as it was written without vowels and New Testament. (Research of related texts and of vowels in Hebrew Bible is also allowed, wherever it helps the main purpose.) Another purpose is to gather <em>all</em> possible Bible translations and commentaries on the same site.</p> <p>There were no good Bible-study wikis. Old Testament was not thoroughly studied in its original form that is without vowels. </p> <p>Created two wikis for Bible study. Written an ancient Hebrew tutorial. Translated about 7 chapters of Genesis. Anyone can publish in our blogs. </p> <p>Related links:</p> <ul> <li><a href=""></a> (Old Testament)</li> <li><a href=""></a> (New Testament)</li> <li><a href="">how we will use money</a></li> </ul> <p>Currently I am collecting money to my personal bank account, but I want to register a nonprofit (can't now due to bureaucratic reasons) to avoid paying taxes. I am going to openly publish the income and expenses of this project on yearly or monthly basis. Controlling the nonprofit by a board voting rather than by myself solely is planned.</p></div> <h2>Donate</h2> <ul> <li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">GoGetFunding</a></strong></li> <li><strong>Ether</strong> <a href="ethereum:0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0">0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0</a> </li> <li><strong>BitCoin</strong> <a href="bitcoin:1M3NGxeKmJv8ESLnVtGrUixPeLCRCjZRwu">1M3NGxeKmJv8ESLnVtGrUixPeLCRCjZRwu</a></li> </ul> <dl> <dt>User</dt> <dd><p><a href="">porton</a></p></dd> <dt>Allowed uses of money</dt> <dd><p>Support the Web sites and the domains, programming (however likely be done by volunteers), theological research.</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for advertisment</dt> <dd><p>False</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for press releases</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>URL</dt> <dd><p><a href=""></a></p></dd> <dt>Ownership</dt> <dd><p>unregistered nonprofit</p></dd> <dt>Country</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> <dt>Organization name</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> <dt>Organization number</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> </dl> Wed, 11 Apr 2018 01:26:14 +0000 Scientific Conference<div><p>Created a <a href="">wiki site for virtual scientific conference</a>. There are real scientific conferences but there was no online one. </p> <p> </p> <p>You can publish at this site anything you could present at a scientific meeting:</p> <ul> <li>new research results;</li> <li>your articles and books;</li> <li>research ideas, which you could talk to colleagues verbally;</li> <li>presentations, talks and videos;</li> <li>curious science facts;</li> <li>and even science-related jokes.</li> </ul> <p>The conference is currently centered on <strong>mathematics</strong>, but <strong>all sciences</strong> are accepted. The topics include pure math, applied math, math in physics and other sciences, theoretical computer science.</p> <p>Unlike a real math conference, this virtual one runs not say every year but constantly all time.</p> <p> </p> <p>As a part of this site it’s done “research in the middle” project (rough research ideas (such as proof ideas), negative results, incomplete calculations, etc.) There was added some of my particular research to this project. </p> <p>We will follow general ideas and conventions of <a href="">Polymath Project</a>.</p> <p>However, this project is a dual of Polymath project:</p> <ul> <li>Polymath is for precisely formulated problems, this wiki is not only for precise formulations but also for rough ideas.</li> <li>Polymath is for problems of interest to wide variety of mathematicians, this wiki is for more special problems which may involve additional learning before joining projects presented on this site.</li> <li>Polymath develops primarely on blogs and then in the wiki, this project is meant to be developed inside this wiki (don't hesitate to use blogs if you want, however).</li> <li>Polymath project comes in waves focusing on particular problems. This site is to present as much problems as possible, simultaneously.</li> </ul> <p>"Research in the middle" is similar to Polymath project in the respect that these both are for massively collaborated math research.</p> <p>The first thing we need to do is to buy a top level domain, make a reliable institution to host it on their server.</p></div> <h2>Donate</h2> <ul> <li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">GoGetFunding</a></strong></li> <li><strong>Ether</strong> <a href="ethereum:0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0">0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0</a> </li> <li><strong>BitCoin</strong> <a href="bitcoin:1LZTvgCEa7JdgiU5Cz8BdVv33MqYw4sN2P">1LZTvgCEa7JdgiU5Cz8BdVv33MqYw4sN2P</a></li> </ul> <dl> <dt>User</dt> <dd><p><a href="">porton</a></p></dd> <dt>Allowed uses of money</dt> <dd><p>Support the Web site and the domain, programming (however likely be done by volunteers), press releases, etc.</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for advertisment</dt> <dd><p>False</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for press releases</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>URL</dt> <dd><p><a href=""></a></p></dd> <dt>Ownership</dt> <dd><p>unregistered nonprofit</p></dd> <dt>Country</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> <dt>Organization name</dt> <dd><p>Virtual Scientific Conference</p></dd> <dt>Organization number</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> </dl> Wed, 11 Apr 2018 01:23:44 +0000 transformation of XML namespaces<div><p>Written a <a href="">specification</a> (congratulate me with great work) for automatic transformation of XML documents based on namespaces, written a software (XML Boiler) to implement these transformations. Written a short tutorial for XML Boiler. </p><b><a href="">See more about this project here</a></b> and <b>donate</b>.</div> <h2>Donate</h2> <ul> <li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">GoGetFunding</a></strong></li> <li><strong>Ether</strong> <a href="ethereum:0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0">0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0</a> </li> <li><strong>BitCoin</strong> <a href="bitcoin:1BdUaP3uRuUC1TXcLgxKXdWWfQKXL2tmqa">1BdUaP3uRuUC1TXcLgxKXdWWfQKXL2tmqa</a></li> </ul> <dl> <dt>User</dt> <dd><p><a href="">porton</a></p></dd> <dt>Allowed uses of money</dt> <dd><p>Website, programming (however likely be done by volunteers), etc. Victor Porton may receive salary planned up to about $600/month. Sometimes upgrading the computer or buying new glasses.</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for advertisment</dt> <dd><p>False</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for press releases</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>URL</dt> <dd><p><a href=""></a></p></dd> <dt>Ownership</dt> <dd><p>registered nonprofit</p></dd> <dt>Country</dt> <dd><p>United States of America</p></dd> <dt>Organization name</dt> <dd><p>Victor Porton's Foundation</p></dd> <dt>Organization number</dt> <dd><p>474102582</p></dd> </dl> Wed, 11 Apr 2018 01:21:17 +0000 Porton’s math research<div><p>I do mathematical research in fundamental abstract mathematics on the following topics:</p> <ol> <li>A new subfield of General Topology, done in an algebraic way. It is a big revolution in mathematics. I think my research is worth prizes of Nobel level. See <a href="">this page</a> for all info about my research and to download all information for free. This can be read even by beginning college students, by the way.</li> <li><a href="">Theory of formulas</a> (a smaller discovery but also interesting). Mathematicians studied almost everything except of formulas themselves.</li> </ol> <p>I didn't finish my University study by reasons related with a religious conflict. Help me to compensate the discrimination and enter research community on par with professors doing research just like me.</p> <p>I need money to support my life, buy books, etc., visit scientific conferences.</p> <p>If you are a math expert with a scientific degree, leave a comment here saying that you confirmed that my texts are not a nonsense but real math research, because there are too many idiots pretending to be mathematicians not being so. Don't forget to specify your degree in the comment.</p><p><b>Project decription</b></p> <i>Overview</i> <p>Algebraic General Topology (= theory of funcoids, reloids, and their generalizations) is a wide generalization of general topology, allowing to express topological properties by algebraic formulas.</p> <p>Victor Porton wrote his book "Algebraic General Topology. Volume 1" containing a description of this theory (with definitions, theorems, and proofs, as well as expository material allowing its reading by beginning students).</p> <i>Intellectual Merit</i> <p>Algebraic general topology is obviously an exceeding breakthrough because:</p> <ul><li>It is a new big branch of mathematics.</li><li>It is a very general theory based on humorously simple axioms.</li><li>It is expressed in algebraic form, not just a mess of quantifiers as old general topology.</li><li>It contains among other a definition of (generalized) limit of discontinuous function, what is expected to make a revolution in such fields as differential equations.</li><li>The general topology was generalized for an arbitrary kinda multidimensional case (while traditional general topology appeared to be 2-dimensional).</li><li>The idea of turning a category with additional structure to a semigroup is also novel.</li><li>The definition of funcoid is the biggest discovery in general topology since 1937 (when filters were defined).</li><li>The work also contains a generalization of filters on posets and other significant discoveries.</li><li>It is a common generalization of calculus and discrete mathematics.</li><li>Common generalization of continuity, uniform continuity, proximal continuity, Cauchy-continuity, discrete continuity.</li><li>It is connecting two previously thought unrelated branches of mathematics: general topology and ordered semigroup/monoid theory. Ordered semigroups are used to describe general topological properties in a novel way; general topology and calculus bring new concepts (such as three kinds of continuity or monovaludness) into ordered semigroup theory.</li><li>Author proposed a new way to define “sides” of manifolds and related things in a more natural way. We previously used the word “side” of a surface but didn’t really know what it really is.</li><li>The book is a good studybook. Also it is the world best reference on the topic of filters on posets.</li></ul> <i>Broader Impacts</i> <p>As author's experience shows that we discover new unexpected results in traditional point-set topology using author's method. This tendency is expected to continue. General topology and thus related branches of science change radically.</p> <p>(Generalized) limit of discontinuous function is expected to revolutionize differential equations, integrating, etc. and consequently such natural sciences as physics, engineering, and economics. It also simplifies existing research methods.</p> <p>The project implies broad dissemination of my knowledge to the entire mathematical community to foster further science development.</p> <p>The resulting book can serve as a base of college courses on different topics of algebraic general topology and for a college course on filters on posets and lattices, because it is written as a studybook.</p> <p>If you are a teacher, you can make the following college courses using it as a studybook:</p> <p>basic order theory</p><p>(co-)brouwerian lattices</p><p>filters and filtrators</p><p>funcoids</p><p>reloids</p><p>interrelationships between funcoids and reloids</p><p>multidimensional general topology</p><p>and more</p> <p> </p></div> <h2>Donate</h2> <ul> <li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">GoGetFunding</a></strong></li> <li><strong>Ether</strong> <a href="ethereum:0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0">0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0</a> </li> <li><strong>BitCoin</strong> <a href="bitcoin:174HGm3PfoxYZkx59hoxVseQZzW5KnCPij">174HGm3PfoxYZkx59hoxVseQZzW5KnCPij</a></li> </ul> <dl> <dt>User</dt> <dd><p><a href="">porton</a></p></dd> <dt>Allowed uses of money</dt> <dd><p>For example to pay for the Web site, to pay for publication of books or articles and for text editing, to visit scientific conferences, record educational videos. Victor Porton may receive salary planned up to about $600/month. Sometimes upgrading the computer or buying new glasses. Also learning English (in order to speak at conferences and record educational videos).</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for advertisment</dt> <dd><p>False</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for press releases</dt> <dd><p>False</p></dd> <dt>URL</dt> <dd><p><a href=""></a></p></dd> <dt>Ownership</dt> <dd><p>registered nonprofit</p></dd> <dt>Country</dt> <dd><p>United States of America</p></dd> <dt>Organization name</dt> <dd><p>Victor Porton's Foundation</p></dd> <dt>Organization number</dt> <dd><p>474102582</p></dd> </dl> Wed, 11 Apr 2018 01:18:21 +0000 anti-asteroid initiative<p>It is Victor Porton’s initiative to hear the warning of Apocalypse (Revelation of John), chapter 8, and resist the comet or asteroid which is now on the way to the Earth.</p> <h2>Donate</h2> <ul> <li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">PayPal</a></strong></li> <li><strong>Ether</strong> <a href="ethereum:0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0">0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0</a> </li> </ul> <dl> <dt>User</dt> <dd><p><a href="">porton</a></p></dd> <dt>Allowed uses of money</dt> <dd><p>Our activities may include anything up to including purchasing a rocket with a nuclear warhead to destroy or decline the asteroid or comet.</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for advertisment</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for press releases</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>URL</dt> <dd><p><a href=""></a></p></dd> <dt>Ownership</dt> <dd><p>registered nonprofit</p></dd> <dt>Country</dt> <dd><p>United States of America</p></dd> <dt>Organization name</dt> <dd><p>Victor Porton's Foundation</p></dd> <dt>Organization number</dt> <dd><p>474102582</p></dd> </dl> Wed, 11 Apr 2018 01:15:24 +0000 Your Own Virtual Currency With CryptoNGO<div><p> </p><p>“<i><b>Invest by purchasing our tokens while they are cheap.”</b></i></p><p> Open-Source software and website, <a href="">Crypto4NGO</a> is an initiative to help finance projects that work for the betterment of society in any way possible. Simply said, it is a platform to aid non-profit projects by creating virtual currencies and enabling them to raise funds naturally by selling the virtually generated cryptocurrency. We also aim to become the central hub of all fundraising sites. The project will allow promoting fundraisers at other crowdfunding sites on our website for free. In this way, the non-profit projects will be able to gather donations from other fundraisers via credit cards or PayPal.</p><p> For sure, Crypto4NGO too requires funds to finance itself with seed money for the foundation and to grow and become a self-supporting platform.</p><p> <i>Help the entire world of nonprofits by donating to this project and/or invest by buying our tokens while they are cheap.</i> <a href=""><i>We aim to produce a new world system: neither capitalism nor communism.</i></a></p><p> <b>Faster Fundraising</b></p><p> It seems true that the future of money won’t be a singular currency that rules the entire world. It will rather be multiplied into thousands of different currencies because “Money” is more than just a mode of exchange. It isn’t only something you give to the cashier and buy a product, but also something of value you wish to save for the long term. Those who save, most probably think of investing in the long run. So we need to prepare for the world and all it has to offer in the near future. If not everybody, there are legitimate <a href="">reasons why non-profit projects should have their own currencies</a>.</p><p> To serve this purpose, Crypto4NGO strives and enables you to <a href="">fund your own non-profit projects</a> instead of relying on the traditional financial institutions or other less effective modes that require more efforts and time. The initiative allows traders to create a unique cryptocurrency. The projects get more exposure and hence, they are able to raise more capital in a relatively shorter period of time. The detailed <a href="">document for fundraisers</a> answer all the questions regarding fund-raisers in a brand new virtually generated crypto-way!</p><p> <b>Raise Money in Crypto</b></p><p> The project also aims to help traders deal in new cryptocurrencies and raise money to invest in non-profit concerns. Some users may want to make a good amount of money so they would use such currencies. Using the newly created cryptocurrency will lead to increasing exchange rates for such currencies, hence attracting more users and increasing the rate further. This is a virtuous cycle of increasing the demand and exchange rate that would make the cryptocurrencies associated with the project much more profitable than regular currencies.</p><p> Here is a complete <a href="">guideline for traders or investors</a>.</p><p> Crypto4NGO has the potential to uplift countless non-profit initiatives including the project itself. It facilitates the virtual exchange of Ether for crypto tokens. Thus, it is an excellent opportunity for investors to multiply their capital countless times. The process is simple, quick and rewarding. It does not ask you to register to be an investor. You can directly invest through Ethereum wallet and make donations in BitCoins or Ether or via external fundraisers including PayPal or credit cards (in USD or EUR).</p><p> <b>Make the Most out of Virtually Generated Donations</b></p><p> The best part is multiplying your funds in a unique way. As the price increases and buyers possess a good amount of money, they can make a cheaper wholesale purchase transaction and later on, sell tokens to traders who do not have that much amount to make a big purchase. This will enable you to set a profitable price, more than what you had paid for.</p><p> When prices are low, getting a small number of tokens may also turn out to be profitable. You can also advertise your non-profit project or fundraiser (from other crowdfunding websites) without any cost. This is sometimes also a way to double up the donations. Read the <a href="">document for donors</a> for complete information.</p><p> <b>Join hands with Crypto4NGO</b></p><p> Donations will also be used for the development and marketing of Crypto4NGO, to ultimately provide a self-sustaining model to the public. If you are up to start a non-profit project, lack of funds is not an excuse. You can kick-start by posting it on our website and achieve your goals in lesser time.</p><p> <a href="">Get in touch today</a> to learn more about <a href="">how Crypto4NGO can help you and your project</a>.</p><p> <b>Misc</b></p><p> They <a href="">say that soon everybody will have his own currency</a>. Not sure about everybody, but every nonprofit project should have its own currency. </p><p> Related article: <a href="">If I had an infinite amount of money</a>.</p><p> The money you donate will be used to advertise the site and to develop it further (also to pay for hosting). We are going to openly publish the income and expenses of this project on yearly or monthly basis. Controlling the project by a board voting rather than by Victor Porton solely is planned.</p><p> <a href="">Legal status.</a></p><p> </p><p> </p></div> <h2>Donate</h2> <ul> <li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">GoGetFunding</a></strong></li> <li><strong>Ether</strong> <a href="ethereum:0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0">0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0</a> </li> <li><strong>BitCoin</strong> <a href="bitcoin:16yHCsZiKLuiDkEnQzHFLAdGcCnv6YFjm4">16yHCsZiKLuiDkEnQzHFLAdGcCnv6YFjm4</a></li> </ul> <dl> <dt>User</dt> <dd><p><a href="">porton</a></p></dd> <dt>Allowed uses of money</dt> <dd><p>Benefits of CryptoNGO may be used for supporting hosting and backend infrastructure and for advertising this site (because adequate amounts of advertising may benefit both benefactors and investors), for programming (however it is likely will be done by volunteers), also for security.</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for advertisment</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>Allowed using money for press releases</dt> <dd><p>True</p></dd> <dt>URL</dt> <dd><p><a href=""></a></p></dd> <dt>Ownership</dt> <dd><p>unregistered nonprofit</p></dd> <dt>Country</dt> <dd><p>Russia</p></dd> <dt>Organization name</dt> <dd><p>Victor Porton's Foundation</p></dd> <dt>Organization number</dt> <dd><p></p></dd> </dl> Wed, 11 Apr 2018 01:03:36 +0000