Project Automatic transformation of XML namespaces
The amount of tokens sent back is calculated by the formula e2/(T+e) where T is
the total amount of Ether received to this token before the purchase and e is the amount of Ether sent
in this transaction. Note that this formula offers huge discounts to big (wholesale
) transactions.
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- through GoGetFunding
- Ether 0x86a986e43959f6e46fcf0eef09ff097177b1e7ff (trade this cryptocurrency: send Ether here to receive the tokens, formula)
- BitCoin 1BdUaP3uRuUC1TXcLgxKXdWWfQKXL2tmqa
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Written a specification (congratulate me with great work) for automatic transformation of XML documents based on namespaces, written a software (XML Boiler) to implement these transformations. Written a short tutorial for XML Boiler.
There was no automatic way to transform between XML files of different formats previously. This new way is a technological revolution.
Most of the specification was implemented in Python programming language, resulting in this free software.
The most important current project goal (as of Apr 2019) is to rewrite the entire project in D programming language (because Python was found too slow and also not enough reliable).
Additional project purpose: Develop some general purpose libraries for D programming language.
The benefits of the project include:
freely intermix tag sets of different sets of tag semantics (using XML namespaces), without disturbing each other (such as by name clash) in the global world
add your new tags to HTML (and other XML-based formats)
get rid of using HTML in future Web, switch it to proper semantic XML formats
make XSL-format based browsers with automatic generation of XSL from other XML formats
make automatic coloring of source listings (for example)
add macroses and include (such as by XInclude) other files in XML
intermix different XML formats, with intelligent automatic processing of the mix
embed one XML format in another one
automatically choose the order of different XML converters applied to your mixed XML file
make browsers to show your XML in arbitrary format
make processing XML intelligent (with your custom scripts)
integrating together XML conversion and validation scripts written in multiple programming languages
associating semantics (such as relations with other namespaces and validation rules) to a namespace
semantics can be described as an RDF resource at a namespace URL (or a related URL)
many more opportunities
integrate all of the above in single command
Project Ether withdrawal history.
- User
- Project created
April 11, 2018, 1:21 a.m.
- Project last updated
April 28, 2019, 8:05 a.m.
- Total Ether received
loading... ETH
- Ether now on contract
loading... ETH
- Total used supply of tokens
loading... tokens
- Ethereum receive address
0x86a986e43959f6e46fcf0eef09ff097177b1e7ff (send Ether here to receive the tokens, formula)
- Ethereum owner account
0x36a0356d43ee4168ed24efa1cae3198708667ac0 (you can send Ether here if you don't want to receive the tokens)
- BitCoin donate address
- More donate URLs
- Token name
XML namespaces
- Token symbol
- Project name
Automatic transformation of XML namespaces
- Allowed uses of money
Website, programming (however likely be done by volunteers), etc. Victor Porton may receive salary planned up to about $600/month. Sometimes upgrading the computer or buying new glasses.
- Allowed using money for advertisment
- Allowed using money for press releases
- Ownership
registered nonprofit
- Country
United States of America
- Organization name
Victor Porton's Foundation
- Organization number
Old versions of the project
- Sept. 9, 2019, 8:25 a.m. (this one)
- July 31, 2019, 6:03 a.m.
- April 28, 2019, 8:05 a.m.
- April 28, 2019, 12:23 a.m.
- Dec. 12, 2018, 12:54 a.m.
- April 11, 2018, 1:21 a.m.
Old Ethereum smart contracts
- owner: 0x36a0356d43ee4168ed24efa1cae3198708667ac0 / address: 0x86a986e43959f6e46fcf0eef09ff097177b1e7ff / symbol: XML / name: XML namespaces (current)