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Project Urban Resilience


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An Open Source urban development model for food production, carbon storage and biodiversity

Urban Resilience aims at otpimizing an urban landscape and suggests strategies and techniques for creating a whole ecosystem, from the land to urban farmers, from citizens to institutions and from land owners to the whoe ecosystem. It also aims at replacing an ornemental, energy consuming and carbon emitting maintenance, by quality food production, optimum hosting of biodiversity while using most developed carbon storage technics. While doing so, it proposes to value organic waste into fertility resources, changing cities into a healthier, cleaner and lively environment.

The model, while aiming at these three objectives, proposes technical elements to occupy urban landscape types of space. These spaces are considered from a surface point of view, exposition and relative location. Depending on their caracteristics, many elements are suggested with a technical file explaining their value, their constraints and opportunities, their limits and how to implement them.

The model also includes legal structures and to coherently connect these elements, it optimises those elements for a circular economy and mutualisation of structures and tools.

There are elements for rooftops, building walls, large and small lot surfaces, interiors, greenhouses

- production of greens and micro-greens

- production of mushrooms

- production of eggs

- pastures with sheep and chickens

- production of spirulina

- aquaponic production

- composting areas

- micro-forest

- ponds of biodiversity

- biodiversity edges

- specific technics for urban trees and shrubs for carbon storage

- specific technics for cultivation for carbon storage (living soil and agroforestry)

- citizen production areas

- free picking areas

- school gardens and orchards

- ...

We are condensing and organising the best elements and methods into one whole design for urban landscapes

Project Ether withdrawal history.



Project created

Feb. 16, 2021, 11:20 a.m.

Project last updated

Feb. 16, 2021, 11:20 a.m.

Ethereum receive address

BitCoin donate address


More donate URLs
Token name

Token symbol

Project name

Urban Resilience

Allowed uses of money

- a project manager for the spinal chord of the project

- an open source platform dedicated for urban landscape management

- a crypto asset to create bounties for contributors

- a sophisticated app to evaluate biodiversity in every cities

Allowed using money for advertisment


Allowed using money for press releases




registered nonprofit



Organization name

Resilience Urbaine

Organization number


Old versions of the project

Old Ethereum smart contracts
