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Projects list

  • A Really Brilliant Idea: Make a System of Democratic Crypto Courts

    The following way we can give the power of democracy to the court system and reward people (and organizations) for their good works. Consider a set of wallets and a set of “courts” both denoted by an Ethereum address. We can combine a wallet and a court into a new address. A decision of a court may be endorsed or not endorsed by somebody. We endorse good decisions and don’t endorse things like the patent for a wheel in Australia. We also should create some kind of a directe
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  • Free Crypto to Everyone in the World!

    I have a plan how to provide free crypto to everyone in the world! The idea is simple: Give everybody registered in our system 1 coin every 0:00 at night every day. This is a great way to fight poverty and improve human rights, while it is not classic monetary rent with all its deficiencies (both that somebody would need to pay for it and that it reduces the incentive to work). It is not a problem
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  • Airtickets to meet with a future wife

    I am going to marry with Victoria Amunga, a TV journalist from Kenya, who I found on a Christian site. She is 32 years black girl. I bought airtickets to Kenya.Please help me with the money.
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  • New policy for US Republican Party

    I propose to add the following requirement to the official policies of the US Republican party: The principle "If a person is poor, then he deserved it, it means that the rich should humiliate the poor so that they become even poorer." should be denounced. Everyone found following this principle should be excluded from the Party. This fundraiser is to lobby the Republican party to adopt this principle. It is an Israel based lobby. Currently I collect the money for this project to my personal bank account (due to not having a better
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  • Nonprofit for free state and bank services

    Help to develop and advertise the nonprofit project aiming to set throughout the world zero fees for things such as: business and nonprofit registration and liquidation opening bank accounts and receiving a credit card going to a bursa defending a case in a court setting a merchant account in Internet etc. and also promote free legal services for poors, to make poor rights really equal to rich rights. The ideology is the following: poor should have equal rights with rich (this does not mean a preference to poor however) business
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  • Press release a world news to journalists (maddest fundraiser ever)

    I want to make a press release and send it to journalists based on the following laughful news: Proposed title: Maddest Fundraiser Ever It appeared a fundraiser asking $10 billion dollar (currently it is shown as $1 billion because of the fundraising site limitation). And it is a greatly underestimated goal. Guess what it is? New religion. New sect? No, new religion. Why so loudly called new religion? The author claims the following thing: We in the past followed Torah (Old Testame
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  • Press release a world news to journalists (missionary sold mission to the devil)

    I want to make a press release and send it to journalists based on the following laughful news: Proposed title: Real Harry Potter: A Missionary That Sold His Mission To The Devil A prospective missionary from Russia failed his mission in total poverty and finally sold his mission to the devil. But he learned to do real magic not less funny than Harry
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  • Submit press release of a world news to journalists (living Google)

    Pay for press release of this news. Basically that page says that Google was found (unintendedly) alive and thinking, trying to get into contact with people.
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  • Submit press release of a world news to journalists (real superman)

    Pay for press release of book and blog post which (among other) state that a human was transformed during about a month into a something like a superman with computer brain.
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  • The same Bible but new religion (or new Christian denomination at least)

    In the past we followed Torah. We now keep believing in Torah but don't follow the law anymore since the new revelation from Christ. In the same way since the new revelation from Christ we should no more follow the Gospel as a law, in the same way as we believe Torah but don't follow it. In other words, the age of Gospel and of the Church is ending. One of the verses of the New Testament which shows that is cancels itself is (2Cor. 3:6) “Who also has made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spiri
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  • Iury Oliveira's free software

    Support a creator of advanced free software. Vy is an IDE whose main purpose is turning one programmer daily life easier. Despite of it working with no necessity for mouse, its set of key strokes are much more flexible than the ones in Vim or Emacs. It is highly extensible and modular due to the language it was implemented in. It allows one to develop new plugins more easily thus better fitting to the need of individuals. Untwisted is a networkin
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  • Israel interchurch association

    Israel interchurch association is an NGO with the following current charter. The charter of Israel interchurch association Israel interchurch association (IIA) is an NGO with the purpose evangelization and building church in Israel as well as in Jewish diaspora. IIA is going to pay its member congregations so called base payments. The amount of a base payment is directly proportional to the number of baptized congregation members. Also IIA may pay its member congregations additional funds for special needs. IIA also can us
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  • Without Vowels Project and New Testament Wiki

    Support and advertise two Bible-study sites: (Old Testament) and (New Testament). The purpose of the organization is to research and study Hebrew Bible as it was written without vowels and New Testament. (Research of related texts and of vowels in Hebrew Bible is also allowed, wherever it helps the main purpose.) Another purpose is to gather all possible Bible translations and commentarie
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  • Virtual Scientific Conference

    Created a wiki site for virtual scientific conference. There are real scientific conferences but there was no online one.    You can publish at this site anything you could present at a scientific meeting: new research results; your articles and books; research ideas, which you could talk to colleagues verbally; presentations, talks and videos; curious science facts; and even science-related jokes. The conference is currently centered on mathematics
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  • Automatic transformation of XML namespaces

    Written a specification (congratulate me with great work) for automatic transformation of XML documents based on namespaces, written a software (XML Boiler) to implement these transformations. Written a short tutorial for XML Boiler.  There was no automatic way to transform between XML files of different formats previously. This new way is a technological revolution. Most of the specification was implemented in Python programming language,
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